Benefits Of Red And Blue Light Therapy: Aging, Acne and Skin Issues Be Gone!

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What brought you to this article? Like most people, it could be that you're suffering from skin conditions and aging issues that are affecting your confidence, joy and zest for life.
These confidence-killing skin problems might include:
Here's some good news!
Light therapy (also known as photodynamic therapy) could be that miracle treatment you've been looking for. We're going to talk about that more in this article and explain the benefits of red and blue light therapy so you can treat your skin with the care it deserves.
Let's get started by explaining light therapy and why it's an exciting advancement in healing chronic skin issues and conditions.
What is LED Light Therapy?
First, let's define LED, as you may have wondered what that means. LED is short for light emitting diode, which is a way energy is transmitted to produce light. The color of the light is dependent on the energy wavelengths that sent through the LED.
For example, blue light has a shorter wavelength and higher energy than red light.
LED has been around for a long time, since 1962 where infrared usage was first introduced in consumer electronics such as remote controls for televisions.
Today, we see LED usage has expanded greatly and now appears in things like traffic signals, camera flashes and medical devices.
Through experimentation, researchers and scientists are discovering different wavelengths of light can actually help your body heal, slow down the effects of aging and reduce arthritis pain, just to name a few.
Light has also been shown to improve insomnia and sleep quality, muscle growth, seasonal depression, neonatal jaundice and periodontal disease.
Although research is continuing, LED light therapy has become more and more common since there are no known side effects when used as directed.
When you speak to your healthcare provider, tell them that light therapy is going to be something you'll want to incorporate into your treatment plan to get their guidance.
Red and blue light therapy do not contain UV rays like the sun. Therefore, using these treatment options would not contribute to kin cancer or signs of aging like wrinkles or age spots.
Any side effects of light therapy?
Actually, the best part of light therapy, no matter the color of light used, is there are no known direct side effects when used as directed.
Unlike other approaches to skin conditions like harsh topical or prescription treatments that can carry serious risks.
Instead, light therapy works from the inside out, rather than only treating symptoms.
Your healthcare provider can create a treatment plan with you that not only uses medications but also a natural approach like light therapy.
However, you should be aware that blue light is believed to stunt the production of melatonin which could effect your sleep quality.
That's why it is recommended that people refrain from using devices that emit blue light like electronics before going to bed.
Where can you get red or blue light therapy treatment?
This is the great news about red or blue light can not only get treatments in a doctor's office, but you can also use at-home devices from the comfort of your home.
Although the doctor's office will have a stronger version of red and blue light devices, starting and continuing your treatment at home can be just as effective--it may just take longer to see the effects.
The approximate costs for sessions at a doctor's office range from $25-$85+ per session. Whereas a home device can cost from $25-$250+.
As you can see, sessions at a doctor's office can be cost prohibitive for most people. Where buying a professional-grade light therapy device for home use becomes more cost effective the more you use it.
Either way, you'll find the treatments to be a time to relax and bask in the glow!
How long are treatment sessions?
Treatment sessions aren't long and are determined by the severity of the condition you're treating.
You'll want to consult with your healthcare provider to get a recommendation on times for treatments, but here are some guidelines to give you an idea:
Red light: It's important to be consistent with treatments and to start slow to see how your skin reacts. You'll want to start out with 10-minute sessions, 3-5 times a week and then work up to 15-20 min sessions. You won't see immediate results, so expect to see noticeable improvements in 4-12 weeks if consistent use.
Blue light: Treatment sessions can be anywhere from 15 to 90 minutes long. As an example, a small area being treated will have blue light applied for about 17 minutes. Expect to start off with two sessions per week for 8 weeks to see results.
Either way, everyone is different so be prepared to start slowly, be consistent and be patient!

Red Light Therapy and Anti Aging Skincare
As we mentioned, light therapy for anti aging self care has become more popular as time as gone by.
In fact, celebrities such as Kourtney Kardashian, Chrissy Teigen, Kelly Rowland, Lena Dunham and Emma Stone have all jumped on the red light therapy bandwagon.
Before a big event, they will use a red light therapy mask or other red light device at home to get that fresh, glowing, dewy look for their red carpet appearance.
If it's good enough for those who in part make their living on how they look, isn't it also good for the rest of us?
How red light therapy works
Scientists believe one of the benefits of red light therapy, including infrared light, is that it stimulates the energy center of cells and increase blood flow to the skin and body.
The extra energy and blood flow helps cells to work more efficiently, reduce inflammation and deliver nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.
Both red and infrared (invisible wavelength of red light) light treatments have been known to help:
If you start and maintain red light sessions consistently, you too can enjoy these age-reversing effects on your skin and hair.

Blue Light Therapy for Acne and Psoriasis
Next up is how blue LED light therapy can help with acne and psoriasis, both of which are troublesome skin conditions for millions of Americans.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, approximately 50 million Americans suffer from acne.
Although acne usually begins in puberty, acne can occur at any time in life, including when you're an adult--throughout your life.
Board-certified dermatologist Judith Hellman, MD commented that “Blue light therapy effectively helps alleviate this common skin condition affecting 50 million Americans and 94 percent of all females".
What dermatologists have discovered is there is an acne causing bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes, or P acnes, that causes acne and inflammation.
The blue light helps to remove that bacteria type found in the oil glands in the skin.
Often, after the blue light treatment, infrared is applied which causes those oil glands to shrink in size. So you get a one-two punch that helps stop further acne breakouts and heal the acne in the treated areas.
Almost everyone with acne can benefit from blue light therapy, regardless of skin tone or severity of acne. However, it's not recommended for those who are on Accutane (an oral medication).
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes thick skin with silvery scales that not only is unsightly but can be very itchy, too.
Unfortunately, psoriasis is tough to treat, especially if it's widespread across the body.
Researchers and physicians believe the blue light wavelength helps psoriasis by stopping white blood cells from attacking the skin.
A study published in 2012 used both red and blue light therapy to treat psoriasis. Although both were effective, it was the blue light that provided the most improvement for sufferers of psoriasis.
Finally, the FDA doesn't normally approve devices, but in this case they did approve a wearable device for mild psoriasis.
Most likely the approval came through because at least two studies performed with the device showed the blue light significantly reduced or eliminated the scaly, red patches--with no side effects.
The benefits of red and blue light therapy are many and can be an important part of your skin care routine and solving difficult skin challenges.
Red LED light therapy is used for anti aging purposes and can make your skin look like you stepped back in time.
Furthermore, red light can also help with hair loss and hair regrowth, wound healing along with other skin conditions.
Blue light has shown to be effective in treating acne breakouts and helping to avoid further breakouts. It's also been known to help sufferers of psoriasis live more normal lives.
Most importantly, there are no known side effects of red or blue light therapy. Add on that you can have sessions in the privacy of your home (or at a doctor's office), why wouldn't someone want to try light therapy today?