Red Laser Light For Hair Growth: What Is It And Does It Work?

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Hair loss is one of the most common effects of aging. It actually impacts over half the world’s population and 75% of women over 65 suffer from alopecia or hair loss.  There is a way to fight back. Actually, we will be talking about red laser light for hair growth.

Many women are sad to notice more of their scalp showing and hair thinning. They miss the youthful look of a full, shiny head of hair.

Although you can't go back to when you had a head of hair like a teenager, you can help stop the loss and thinning of hair.

Not only that, you can also stimulate new hair growth without expensive treatments, pain or yet another prescription.

In this article, we will explain the power of low light laser therapy (LLLT), otherwise known as red light therapy. Red light therapy is a noninvasive, safe, effective and affordable method you can use at home to help avoid hair loss and even grow new hair to fill in the gaps.

Let's get started!

Make sure you also check our guide to the best red light therapy products here for hair loss and to help hair growth.

How Do Red Light Devices Work?

Red light therapy is a simple procedure.

For lack of better terms, it is not necessarily a “procedure,” but rather a routine that you can do it from the comfort of your home.

There are different types of red light devices available for hair loss. These include helmets, laser combs, bulbs and red light therapy wands.

One kind of device does not necessarily work better than the others.

However, the method you choose could be determined by what area on your head has the most hair loss.

For example, full coverage needs would require a full head helmet for the best results, laser combs for a broad area of hair thinning, etc.

When you use a red light therapy tool, a set of bright red lights shine closely on the scalp.

You'll want to hold the tool in place (or wear the helmet, depending on the type of tool you buy) for as long as the instructions say.

Usually, the entire process takes several minutes but not hours.

Red light therapy, no matter what style of tool it is, will not feel warm to the touch and does not hurt. It does use a laser-type light, but it is low-level and not as intense as you may think.

Not only that, users of red light therapy report no side effects, pain or complications associated with treatments (when used as instructed).

And so, that begs the question – how exactly does red light therapy work without heat or chemicals?

First, red light therapy is not exclusive to problems with hair loss.

There are also red light therapy products for reducing wrinkles on the skin.

It works for both because of the healing properties of the red light. And it is not just any red light thrown into these devices; red light therapy tools use low-level red light wavelengths. 

Red light therapy is also called low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation (PBM).

When you use red light therapy on your scalp, it stimulates the part of the cells on your scalp (ATP) that contains energy. The stimulation causes the cells to work more effectively and efficiently. 

In turn, the stimulation of the cells helps hair to grow hair faster and thicker.

Why Does Laser Light for Hair Growth Work? 

To begin, we have to remember that your scalp is skin. One thing that happens as you age is your body starts to produce less and less new collagen.

Actually, during and after menopause, the new production of collagen drops even more, creating even more of a collagen deficit.

Furthermore, collagen protein is known as the 'glue' or 'scaffolding' that supports the structure of the skin. 

What does a collagen deficit mean for hair loss?

Researchers suspect less collagen means a weaker skin structure that contains your hair roots.

How does red light therapy help avoid hair loss and actually grow new hair?

Red light has been shown to promote hair growth/avoid hair loss by:

  • Helping  generate pro-collagen (the precursor to collagen)
  • Stimulating cells' energy center so they work harder and more efficiently
  • Reducing oxidative stress that can damage hair follicles
  • Increasing blood circulation

As a matter of fact, a 2014 study determined that women statistically improved the number of hairs grown by using red light at the 655nm frequency.

Red Light Therapy Hair Before and After

Let's take a look at some before and after photos of women who have had red light therapy to help with their hair loss/hair regrowth.

Laser light for hair growth before and after_2

Click on the image above for more information

As you can see, these women successfully experienced more head on their after after consistent treatments with safe laser light.

If it works for them, why couldn't it work for you?

How Fast Does Red Light Therapy Work?

When using red light therapy, you'll expose your scalp to the light for set periods of time and on a regular, consistent basis.

Different red light therapy products require different lengths of time, but most take several weeks of consistent use before results are noticeable.

The participants in the red light laser clinical trial we looked at before used red light therapy on their hair every other day for 16 weeks, making a total of 60 treatments.

This level of treatment showed significant results with reported hair growth.

Some red light therapy devices work after just eight weeks of treatment.

In the end though, everyone is different so results will be different.

Liquid hair treatments take a little less time. Nioxin, for example, may take just six weeks with 2 to 3 days in-between treatments. The treatments are more spread out and could be less of a hassle, but red light therapy is less harmful to your skin in the long run.

Finally, you can also use red light therapy continuously for consistent results with hair growth, unlike liquid treatments, which you should not use longer than intended.

Benefits of Red Light Therapy for Hair Growth

There are several approaches you can take to help stop hair loss and encourage hair growth. These include shampoo/hair care systems, surgery and 

In a study published in 2018, of several non-surgical treatments used for hair loss (including minoxidil 2 and 5%,  dutasteride 0.5 mg, finasteride 1 mg, low-level laser therapy (LLLT), minoxidil 2%, minoxidil 5% and platelet-rich plasma), low-level laser therapy actually turned out to the be most effective approach in improving hair growth.

That's pretty powerful...can you imagine if you could use red light therapy and one of the other treatments together? You could get back to that sexy, bouncy, full head of hair of your youth!

What does this mean for your hair loss and red light laser treatment?

  • No potential harmful side effects from hormone treatments, chemicals or prescription medications
  • All-natural treatment option
  • No pain or recovery time
  • There are no known side effects of red light or infrared light therapy
  • You can enjoy hair count, hair density, and hair thickness (for men and women)
  • Relaxing sessions resulting in a positive experiences
  • Treatments can be done at home
  • Length of treatments are short and relaxing
  • Other body benefits can be realized at the same time--reduced pain, improved wound healing, sprains and arthritis

As a rule, there are two aspects of red light therapy for hair that will help you gain success: 1.) More effective hair loss devices are more expensive; 2.) Consistency is key.

Laser Light Treatment for Hair Loss Side Effects

As we mentioned and outlined, there are no known side effects in using laser treatment for hair loss.

Can Laser Light for Hair Growth Work on Dogs?

Interestingly, red light therapy for hair growth is effective in dogs too!

In a study done on 7 dogs with noninflammatory alopecia, 6 of the 7 has significant hair regrowth, where 1 of the 7 had hair regrowth.

The concept is the same for humans and pets, the red light is non-invasive, safe, without side effects or pain. 

Along with that, it stimulates the energy center of cells which in turn increases efficiency of the cells, increased blood supply and lessen inflammation.

Not only does red light work great for hair, it also helps reduce chronic pain and improves wound healing in the same way in humans as it does in pets.

Your pets can gain the same benefits of red light therapy by using a high-quality red light therapy device.

Red Light Therapy vs. Hair Loss Shampoos

As you may well know by now, red light therapy is not the only at-home treatment available for fighting hair loss. Another common product used by people is hair loss shampoo.

Although hair loss shampoos are effective for some people, they may only work partially for others. Certain shampoos for hair thinning are also questionable with their ingredients and can be too harsh for sensitive skin.

Hair regrowth treatments that apply like shampoo, such as Nioxin, can also come with side effects.

For example, some people experience scalp irritation, redness, swelling in the hands and feet, and even dizziness in more severe cases when using a liquid hair regrowth treatment.

Most people would prefer red light therapy simply because it does not come with harmful side effects.

Red light therapy is a form of natural hair loss treatment. It does not use harmful chemicals, fillers, or fragrances, and you can continue to use one product without replacement for a long time. Liquid treatments require continuous upkeep and monthly replenishment.

Do your skin a favor and stick to red light therapy. Especially if you have a history of scalp irritation or if other types of hair loss treatment did not work for you, this could be the best alternative option.

Other Ways to Use Red Light Therapy

Infrared light therapy is for more than just hair loss.

You can also use infrared light therapy to reduce wrinkles and scars. Combine the use of red light therapy on your hair and face along with collagen face creams to completely renew your appearance.

Age is not kind to the skin, but many of these red light products can lessen or even reverse the effects of cell and collagen decay.

Red light has also shown excellent results for reducing chronic pain, joint pain, improve wound healing and less soreness.

Not to mention, many people experience an overall feeling of increased vitality and physical energy.

What is a Red Light Therapy Hair Dryer?

There is a unique and special hair dryer that is widely available that describes a traditional hand-held dryer that also includes red light.

So, you get to get both benefits in one device--dry and style your hair and help encourage new hair growth with the red light .

Most importantly, they are reasonably priced for home use.


You know it's cause for concern when you start to see more hair on the brush or in the shower drain. When that happens, the days of a youthful, full, lush head of hair are behind you.

The truth is, although you won't be able to have a head of hair like when you were in your 20s, you may be able to stop the aging process.

Laser light For hair growth is also known as low level laser light or red light therapy. It has shown to stimulate energy center in the cells in your skin/scalp so they work harder and more efficiently.

Not only that, it's non-invasive, safe and and effective way to help stop hair loss and even grow new hair.

Why does red light therapy work?  It's been studied and reported it assists in creating pro-collagen, the precursor to collagen, increases blood flow and reduces oxidative stress.

You can use laser light for hair growth by using a cap, wand, brush or hair dryer.

It's an easy, pain-free process that has shown promise in keeping back the march of time on your body.