Category Archives for "Collagen Supplement Advice"

Can Bone Broth Cause Hair Growth?

using bone broth for hair growth

Bone broth is a superfood that provides collagen protein and important amino acids your body needs to stay healthy and young-looking. But can bone broth cause hair growth? There are indications the collagen protein, amino acids, minerals and vitamins may indeed help hair grow and also help to keep the hair you do have. Whether you make your own or buy bone broth, it is a comforting drink you’ll want to add to your daily routine.

Is Collagen Good For Arthritis?

is collagen good for arthritis

This post contains affiliate links which means we receive a small commission if you decide to make a purchase. Click here to learn more about our affiliate policy. Quick Navigation What is arthritis?Does Collagen Help Joints?Do Studies Show Collagen is Good for Arthritis?Types of collagen supplementsFINAL THOUGHTS According to, more than 50 million adults […]